Carbon fiber fabric strengthening pull-out test

Normal carbon fiber fabric pull-out test tensile strength > 2.5 MPa, greater than this data is recognized as the carbon fiber fabric test qualified!

The carbon fiber fabric drawing test can be done on the 3 day after the carbon fiber sample is solidified. Generally, the experimental mold of the drawing instrument is bonded with adhesive, and the curing can be completed in 30 minutes, and the next step can be carried out.

Carbon fiber fabric strengthening pull-out test

Cutting and separating carbon fiber specimen edge and carbon fiber fabric by cutting machine.


Install the drawing instrument and fix the base and the original structure wall.

Carbon fiber fabric strengthening pull-out test

After drawing, the concrete thickness of the broken ring interface is about 2~4mm, which basically shows that the experiment is qualified.


The failure of the original concrete section.


Normal carbon fiber fabric pull-out test tensile strength > 2.5 MPa, greater than this data is recognized as the carbon fiber fabric test qualified!

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